Thursday, February 26, 2009


As I sit down by the riverside
Watching liquid crystal flow...

I ask...why my love is not with me?
why do I sit alone?
I look around to see-
The world dancing in pairs

The universe replied through me.
Oh ! wayward wanderer, oh ! wanderlust
you, who have shown no commitment
for simple, little things
How do i present you wih lady love?
Commitment for lifetime, it takes

Silence cuts me into pieces
Mirroring the reflections of the past
I sit silently, in stillness still.

Looking at the long road ahead of me
Thousand mile journey starts with a single step
Promise to take a step at a time!

Random Musings from St.Anger!!!

Dont fight the emotions , just be with it.....the lesson will be learn t in silence

"Why does it always have to be about me?"

When "other" is hell, either everything is me or nothing is me...In between its certainly hell!

If Acceptance is understanding
& Understanding is love
Acceptance to what is , is Love
& Love will set me free.

I have no compulsions
I have no issues.
What ever is , is..

Something are meant to be no matter what, then why fight 'what ever is"?

Does it mean that I will not make any effort from my end ?

Why make an effort to be? when you are.

How do I make use of the current reality? how do I make the best of what is?

The answer is just to be with what is, enjoy the different course that life takes.